And so it began...

My intention for this blog is for it to be a record of my gaming experiences, trials, tribulations and painting and modelling efforts.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Fallschirmjager army finished

Well finally all done. 1500 points of FJ all painted for my first tournament 'Southcon' coming up in a couple of weeks.

This week I finished my Light panzarpah platoon and Pak38s (although just noticed on the photos I forgot to put flock on so will fix that tonight).

Had been trying to think of what to do for my objectives and was abit stumped. I thought I would have to buy a couple of extra vehicles to use when I stumbled upon a post on the Battlefront forum where some bloke had just put a flag so I took that adapted it and put some para containers on it with the flags. The flags are of course Fallshirmjager. I got a bit anal and got the container codes of the 'net' so each container is coded accordingly.
This week's work
Light Panzerpah patrol
Objective #1

Objective #2
The finished army
Next on the plans is a display board. I just find having one makes it easy for using an army at a tournment and transporting from game to game.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

FOW: FJ vs Indian Rifles

First game of FOW last night. We played MW 1500 points my Fallschirmjager vs I think Indian rifles (from North africa book).
FJ Command with PK + 2 x 8cm GW42 mortars – 120
2 full FJ Platoons with PKs - 540
4 FJ Marder IIs - 400
3 15cm NW41 – 115
Machine gun platoon (one section) - 80
1 Light Panzarpah patrol 110
3 x pak38 -135
3 Infantry platons
2 batterys of 4 25 pounders
Limited air support (hurricane)
3 Churchills
I could be wrong on the indian force but that was basically it.

We played a free for all. Tha table had a reasonable amount of terrain with a big village just to the right where I planned to run a platoon of FJ through to try and grab the objective while my other platoon dug in at the back.
Start of the game, all deployed.
First turn and the hurricane swooped down and took out 3 FJ infantry stands (yikes). thankfully after that the hurricane never showed up the rest of the game!!
The hurricane making its lone appearance

The Indians went first and rumbled their churchills forward. Two poked their heads over the brow of a hil and had a shot at my marders (gulp). Luck went my way and only one was bailed. The rest of the indians tried to dig in across the table with little success. One indian platoon pushed forward on my left flank to threaten the left hand objective.
My turn and the marders opened up on the churchills destroying one. This was quite pivotal for the game as my opponent really from there on in pulled them back and they contributed not much.
Dead churchill
The game really unfolded with me pushing through the village and the indian platoon tasked with defending in repeatly not digging in, getting pinned and shot by my nebs.
I then got lucky and took out the artillary behind the village thnks again to my nebs and marders (who had refused flanked and shot around the right to shoot up the artillary on the hill).
My FJ set for the assualt
So my FJ platoon assualted forward with mortars dropping down smoke but despite all my shooting I could not pin the indian platoon. His defensive fire only came up with 4 hits (though I did fail 3 saves) and my assualt crashed home. At the end the indians were gone and my FJ were down to 3 stands. However they moved forward onto the objective and with my opponent throwing everything at me they only lost one more stand made their morale roll and game won 6-1.
The FJ take the objective
After game thoughts:
Well I have lots to learn mainly regarding coordinating my attacks. I was really lucky to get my assualt off and didn't really have it set well. My light panzarpah platoon did nothing and I need to get them in the game earlier thus providing another threat for my opponent to worry about. Need to be mindful of air attacks and positioning my forces (infantry in the open are toast especailly when grouped close together)

Friday, 11 May 2012

Nebelwerfers done

Just finished my Nebelwerfers for my FJ list. All I have got to go now is my Light panzarpah patrol and three pak38s.

Tonight I have my first full game of FOW so will be using my FJ list with a few borrowed models from my opponent. Will try and get some pictures and a report up tomorrow.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Marders done

Slow week last week and only finished my marders as you can see below. This week I am going to try and get my nebelwerfers done and maybe my armoured cars, my light panzarpah platoon.
Haven't managed any more games of FOW so need to remedy that in a hurry.